mental illness information
mental illness referral services



Local TV: The Many Faces of Mental Health

MHA's very own television program airs on LCTV Channel 1301, or watch The Many Faces of Mental Health at on demand! You may also stop into our office to view the program on DVD. Hosted by Jackie Kenney.

 LCTV Channel 1301 | Watch the full program ON DEMAND here | Watch LCTV Live here

VOICE newsletter

The Voice Newsletter Archive:






We publish our newsletter four times per year, featuring updates and news about all our programs and services, event announcements, helpful information and even book reviews.

Going Green:

If you already receive the newsletter by mail, please consider changing to an e-mail subscription. This saves MHA money in printing and mailing costs, while also helping the environment.To make the switch to email, please use the contact form or call us at (716) 433-3780.

Join us on Good Reads!

MHA Niagara County
MHA Niagara County 4 members
Books and other resources for self-help and mental health.

Books we've read

My Age of Anxiety: Fear, Hope, Dread, and the Search for Peace of Mind
Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's
Learning Outside The Lines: Two Ivy League Students with Learning Disabilities and ADHD Give You the Tools for Academic Success and Educational Revolution
Difficult People at Work: How to cope, How to Win
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teenagers
Difficult Questions Kids Ask and Are Afraid to Ask About Divorce
Addictive Thinking and the Addictive Personality
Eating Our Hearts Out: Personal Accounts of Women's Relationship to Food
It Could Happen to Anyone: Why Battered Women Stay
Self Matters: Creating Your Life from the Inside Out

View this group on Goodreads »

MHA Publications

To download the HELP Book (pdf) and other publications, visit our Publications page.


MHA: The Information and Referral Specialists
Mental Health Association of Niagara County
36 Pine Street
Lockport, New York 14094
Phone: 716-433-3780
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