mental health association in lockport
mental health self help programs

Consumer Planning Advisory Committee

CPAC is a collective organization of mental health service consumers who provide input into the local planning process for mental health services.

Our monthly meetings provide a unique opportunity for the voices of mental health consumers to be heard amongst policy makers and leaders in Niagara County.

CPAC members have the opportunity to tell policy makers which of their needs may or may not be met— whether that be public transportation, housing, or access to food banks and shelters.

Guest speakers are often invited to monthly meetings to provide information and insight on important mental health related topics and issues.

The mission of CPAC is to promote and advocate for comprehensive services within Niagara County that foster recovery, rehabilitation, and respect for the rights of the consumers they serve.


Monthly Meetings

Meetings are held once a month and alternate between Lockport and Niagara Falls. For meeting times and locations, please contact Chris Warden at 716.433.3780 or

For more information or to become a member of CPAC, contact Chris Warden at 716.433.3780 or today!

Click to download our CPAC brochure


CPAC is currently scheduling guest speakers who can address topics of interest to recipients of mental health services at our monthly meetings.

In the past, guest speakers have ranged from mental health consumers to social workers and have covered a wide range of topics such as nutrition, legal aid, and many things in between.

If you have something you'd like to share as a guest speaker, please contact the Chris Warden 716.433.3780 or


MHA: The Information and Referral Specialists
Mental Health Association of Niagara County
36 Pine Street
Lockport, New York 14094
Phone: 716-433-3780
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